Release Bulletin
EAServer 5.0 for HP-UX
Document ID: DC38029-01-0500-01
Last revised: February 27, 2004
2. Product summary
5.2 Systems Management
5.4 HTTP 1.1 support
5.6 Silent installer issues
6.1 PowerBuilder
6.2 PowerDynamo
7. Documentation updates and clarifications
7.1 Corrections to the EAServer System Administration Guide
7.2 Corrections to the Web Services Toolkit User’s Guide
8. Technical support
9. Other sources of information
Copyright 1997-2004 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved. Sybase, the Sybase logo, AccelaTrade, ADA Workbench, Adaptable Windowing Environment, Adaptive Component Architecture, Adaptive Server, Adaptive Server Any-
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EAServer 5.0
3. Special installation instructions
2.2 Required system patches
Before installing EAServer on HP-UX 11.0, verify that you have the
March ‘03 quality pack installed, as well as the required HP patches for JDK
1.3 and JDK 1.4. EAServer will not function properly if all required patches
and kernel settings are not present to support JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.4. For more
information, see the following Web pages:
HP-UX 11.00 patches required for Java 1.3 at
HP-UX 11.00 patches required for Java 1.4 at
You must run the HP HPjconfig tool to verify if all required patches have been
installed on your machine. HPjconfig reports what patches are required as well
as the kernel settings required for Java. You can download HPjconfig from the
For more general information on HP-UX patch levels, see the HP Web site at
3. Special installation instructions
The Installation Guide describes how to install the software.
3.1 Mounting the CD
You must manually mount the CD. To do so, use the HP SAM utility. See your
HP documentation for more information.
4. Changed functionality in this version
What’s New in EAServer describes features added in this release. You can view
this book on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site at Browse to the EAServer 5.0 (Core
Documentation) collection, then select this title. This manual is also available
in HTML format in your installation and in PDF (Acrobat) and DynaText
(SGML) format on the Technical Library CD included with your software.
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
5. Known problems
EAServer 5.0
5. Known problems
This section describes known problems in this EAServer version.
5.1 EAServer Manager server configuration wizard
(CR #334665) In some cases, the restart option is disabled in the server
configuration wizard when it is valid to restart the server; that is, you are
connected to the server that you are configuring. You can restart the server after
finishing the wizard by highlighting the server icon and choosing File |
Shutdown and Start.
5.2 Systems Management
5.2.1 Net-SNMP functionality not supported
(CR # 343670) The Net-SNMP functionality is not supported in version 5.0 of
EAServer Systems Management, but is scheduled to be supported in a future
version. To view information about system components, you can use the Web
5.2.2 Web console and Netscape 7.x
(CR #342578) When you run the sample Systems Management Web console,
you may be unable to connect from Netscape 7.x browsers running on Solaris.
To work around the problem:
Change the server HTTP listener to use an IP address rather than the host
name, restart the server, and use the IP address in the URL to connect, for
If you still get “Document contains no data” errors, change the Netscape
preferences by choosing Edit | Preferences | Advanced | Cache and select
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
EAServer 5.0
5. Known problems
5.3 SSL certificates after upgrading
(CR #341222) When you upgrade from an earlier version of EAServer, the
installer upgrades the sample test certificates and installs new versions of the
Verisign CA certificates. The upgrade may leave obsolete copies of the
Sample1 Test ID and Sample2 Test ID certificates. You can delete these
manually using EAServer Manager or Security Manager. Delete the older
version of each certificate.
5.4 HTTP 1.1 support
(CR #343480) EAServer generates HTTP 405 “method not allowed” errors
when an HTTP request contains an absolute URI in the request-URI header.
5.5 Web services toolkit issues
The following are known issues in the EAServer 5.0 Web services toolkit.
5.5.1 Expired VeriSign root certificate
(CR #345070) The VeriSign root certificate has expired in the JDK 1.3 and 1.4
installations used by EAServer. As a result, publishing to the Microsoft UDDI
Registry throws a certificate expired exception. For more information on how
this problem may affect your applications, see Sun alert notification 57436 at
this issue:
Shut down EAServer.
Download the most recent Verisign PCA root certificates from the VeriSign
Unzip the files to a temporary location, for example, /tmp.
Change to the bin directory in the JDK 1.4 installation used by EAServer.
Import the new certificates with the keytool command. For example (all on
one line):
keytool -import -v -keystore $JAGUAR_JDK14/jre/lib/security/cacerts -
alias verisignclass3ca2028 -file "/tmp/VeriSign - Thawte Combined
When prompted, enter the JDK key store password. The default is
changeit. When prompted, accept the new certificate.
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
5. Known problems
EAServer 5.0
Repeat the previous step to update the VeriSign root certificate in the JDK
1.3 installation used by EAServer.
For additonal HP-UX specific information see the expiration notice, posted at
5.5.2 Eclipse runs out of memory when handling large return values
In Eclipse, when testing Web service calls to components that return very large
values (say greater than 1 million bytes), the Java VM that runs Eclipse can run
out of memory. To solve this problem, modify the script file.
Change the line:
eclipse -vm jdk-path/jre/bin/java
—add the -Xmx option to increase the Java VM heap size from the default. For
eclipse -vm jdk-path/jre/bin/java -vmargs -Xmx512m
This example sets the Java VM heap size to 512 Megabytes, specified by 512m.
You can adjust the size up or down as needed to prevent out-of-memory errors.
For information on the syntax of the -Xmx option, see the Java command line
5.5.3 Errors in Eclipse when importing the sample applications
When installing the EAServer Web services samples into Eclipse, you may see
errors related to the following issues.
(CR #341509) You will see several errors caused by the lack of Web service
client classes that must be generated after importing. This is expected, since the
client classes must be generated for each sample project according to the
readme files that accompany each sample.
(CR #341533) You see errors for unresolved javax.ejb dependencies when
importing the EJBSample. This sample is not intended to be built or used in
Eclipse, but is rather meant to be compiled manually and then deployed to
EAServer using EAServer Manager. EJBSample contains the source code for
an EJB and requires classes that Eclipse does not have, such as javax.ejb.*. To
eliminate error messages caused by the unresolved dependencies, right click on
the EJBSample node, choose the Properties menu item, choose Java Build Path
on the left pane of the resulting dialog, select the Libraries tab on the right pane,
click the Add External JARs button and choose
$JAGUAR/java/lib/easj2ee.jar, which will add in the javax.ejb.* classes into
the path for that project.
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
EAServer 5.0
6. Product compatibilities
5.5.4 Using the XML-Security package
(CR #323094) Chapter 4, “Web Services Administration,” in the Web Services
Toolkit User’s Guide describes how to use the Apache XML-Security package
to provide digital signatures and encryption for the SOAP messages sent to and
from the Web services container in EAServer. To use this feature, you must
replace the file xalan.jar in the EAServer java/classes directory with the
version that is included with the Apache XML-Security package. Follow the
instructions to add the other JAR files to the EAServer CLASSPATH setting.
5.5.5 Deleting UDDI registry entries
(CR #339099) When you delete a business, tmodel, or service from the local
jUDDI registry using the Web services Web console, a spurious
ClassCastException error is thrown in the server log file when the item is
successfully deleted. You can ignore this error.
5.6 Silent installer issues
(CR #346937) When upgrading from EAServer version 4.2.2 to version 5.0
using the silent installer, the files and SilentUninstall.txt are
not copied to the _uninstall2 subdirectory. You must manually copy these files
from the EAServer 5.0 _uninstall subdirectory to the upgraded _uninstall2
subdirectory to use the SilentUninstall feature.
6. Product compatibilities
This section contains information about other Sybase products that are
compatible with this version of EAServer.
6.1 PowerBuilder
This version of EAServer includes the following PowerBuilder virtual
machines (PBVMs):
PowerBuilder 8.0.4 – build 10501
Note PowerBuilder 7.x components and version 7.x PBVMs are not supported
in EAServer 5.0.
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
6. Product compatibilities
EAServer 5.0
If you previously received a private PowerBuilder EBF version containing
newer file versions, do not install the PowerBuilder support files included in
this version.
If you choose to install the PowerBuilder support files contained in this
Before installing this version, back up your existing PowerBuilder files by
copying them to another location. Back up the following:
In the setup program, on the Select Products to Install window, click
Customize for Sybase EAServer features, and choose the PowerBuilder
Support features.
After the installation completes, ensure that the corresponding
PowerBuilder version is installed on PowerBuilder client machines. To
run PowerBuilder components in EAServer, the runtime dynamic shared
libraries for the version of PowerBuilder in which the components were
developed must be available on the server. The PowerBuilder runtime files
on the client and the server must be at the same build level. Using different
build levels on client and server machines may result in unpredictable
behavior or data corruption.
You can download the corresponding PowerBuilder Windows client
software from the PowerBuilder downloads page of the Sybase downloads
Use the Library Painter to perform a full rebuild of your PowerBuilder
application to ensure that all descendant objects are synchronized with
their ancestors and to incorporate any compiler fixes in your code.
6.1.1 Known issues
(CR #344244) In order to use remote debugging, the file must exist
in the EAServer lib subdirectory as a symbolic link to On some
machines, the installer may create as a regular file or not install it at
all. If is a regular file, remove it. Create as a symbolic
link to For example:
ln -s
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
EAServer 5.0
7. Documentation updates and clarifications
6.2 PowerDynamo
EAServer 5.0 does not include PowerDynamo, though you can use an existing
PowerDynamo installation with this EAServer version. Sybase recommends
that you do not use PowerDynamo for new application development. Instead,
use the J2EE-standard Java servlet and JSP technologies. Support for
PowerDynamo will be removed from later versions of EAServer.
EAServer 5.0 includes the Dyn2JSP utility to convert PowerDynamo™ Web
sites into JSP-based J2EE Web applications. Sybase recommends that you
migrate your PowerDynamo Web sites to the J2EE model. For information on
using the Dyn2JSP utility, see the HTML documentation included in the
PDynamo2JSP directory of the installation.
Note The Dyn2JSP utility converts static-file or dynamic-file based sites. If
your site is stored in a database, export it to a dynamic-file site before running
the conversion.
6.3 Application Integrator
Application Integrator for CICS and Application Integrator for Stored
Procedures are no longer included with EAServer. These products will be made
available as open source on the EAServer CodeXchange pages at
6.4 Earlier EAServer (Jaguar CTS) versions
Clients using IIOP and earlier versions of the EAServer (or Jaguar CTS®)
client runtime files can connect to EAServer 5.0. To manage EAServer 5.0, you
should use a 5.0 installation to run EAServer Manager, jagtool, or a client that
calls the EAServer management APIs.
7. Documentation updates and clarifications
This section contains updates and clarifications for the EAServer product
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
8. Technical support
EAServer 5.0
7.1 Corrections to the EAServer System Administration Guide
Chapter 13, Using Systems Management The section “SNMP
functionality” describes the Sybase Systems Management framework support
for SNMP, which allows SNMP clients to view information about underlying
system status using standard SNMP protocols. This functionality is not
available in EAServer version 5.0, but is scheduled to be in a future version.
Also in Chapter 13, the section “Running the JMX agent” instructs you to start
SybSNMP before you run the JMX agent. Since SNMP functionality is not
included in this version, this step is not required.
7.2 Corrections to the Web Services Toolkit User’s Guide
Chapter 1, Overview of Web Services in EAServer The section “JAXM
1.0” describes the Java API for XML messaging. JAXM is not implemented in
EAServer. Instead, the messaging API is implemented using the SOAP with
Attachments API for Java 1.1 (SAAJ) protocol.
See the JAXM/SAAJ Web page at
8. Technical support
Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more
designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If
you have any questions about this installation or if you need assistance during
the installation process, ask the designated person to contact Sybase Technical
Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.
9. Other sources of information
Use the Sybase Getting Started CD, the Sybase Technical Library CD, and the
Technical Library Product Manuals Web site to learn more about your product:
The Getting Started CD contains release bulletins and installation guides
in PDF format, and may also contain other documents or updated
information not included on the Technical Library CD. It is included with
your software. To read or print documents on the Getting Started CD, you
need Adobe Acrobat Reader (downloadable at no charge from the Adobe
Web site, using a link provided on the CD).
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
EAServer 5.0
9. Other sources of information
The Technical Library CD contains product manuals and is included with
your software. The DynaText reader (included on the Technical Library
CD) allows you to access technical information about your product in an
easy-to-use format.
Refer to the Technical Library Installation Guide in your documentation
package for instructions on installing and starting the Technical Library.
The Technical Library Product Manuals Web site is an HTML version of
the Technical Library CD that you can access using a standard Web
browser. In addition to product manuals, you will find links to
EBFs/Updates, Technical Documents, Case Management, Solved Cases,
newsgroups, and the Sybase Developer Network.
To access the Technical Library Product Manuals Web site, go to Product
9.1 Sybase certifications on the Web
Technical documentation at the Sybase Web site is updated frequently.
Finding the latest information on product certifications
Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at
Select Products from the navigation bar on the left.
Select a product name from the product list and click Go.
Select the Certification Report filter, specify a time frame, and click Go.
Click a Certification Report title to display the report.
Creating a personalized view of the Sybase Web site (including support
Set up a MySybase profile. MySybase is a free service that allows you to create
a personalized view of Sybase Web pages.
Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at
Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile.
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
10. Accessibility features
EAServer 5.0
9.2 Sybase EBFs and software maintenance
Finding the latest information on EBFs and software maintenance
Point your Web browser to the Sybase Support Page at
Select EBFs/Maintenance. Enter user name and password information, if
prompted (for existing Web accounts) or create a new account (a free
Select a product.
Specify a time frame and click Go.
Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Maintenance report, or click the
product description to download the software.
10. Accessibility features
EAServer 5.0 has been tested for compliance with U.S. government Section
508 Accessibility requirements. The online help for this product is also
provided in HTML, JavaHelp, and Eclipse help formats, which you can
navigate using a screen reader.
EAServer Manager supports working without a mouse. For more information,
see Chapter 2, “Sybase Central Overview,” in the EAServer System
Administration Guide.
The WST plug-in for Eclipse supports accessibility features for those that
cannot use a mouse, are visually impaired or have other special needs. For
information about these features refer to Eclipse help:
Start Eclipse
Select Help | Help Contents
Enter Accessibility in the Search dialog box
Select Accessible user interfaces or Accessibility features for Eclipse
Note You might need to configure your accessibility tool for optimal use.
Some screen readers pronounce text based on its case; for example, they
pronounce ALL UPPERCASE TEXT as initials, and MixedCase Text as
words. You might find it helpful to configure your tool to announce syntax
conventions. Consult the documentation for your tool.
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
EAServer 5.0
10. Accessibility features
For additional information about how Sybase supports accessibility, see
Accessibility site includes links to information on Section 508 and W3C
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
10. Accessibility features
EAServer 5.0
Release Bulletin for HP-UX
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